Yasin Shakir Skills & English Language Training Institute

What is Motivation?

Real life examples of motivation

This article gives you the best insight if you are de-motivated & you really want to be motivated. It also helps you become practically motivated in real life.

Motivation plays a key role in every social pursuit & sequence of actions. Without motivation, life is quite dull & drab. Motivation refers to the internal or external factors that drive a person to take action, pursue goals, or engage in certain behaviors. It is the force that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. Motivation can be influenced by a variety of factors, including biological, psychological, social, and environmental elements.

There are two main types of motivation:

Intrinsic Motivation: Intrinsic motivation is self restrained and inner force. This type of motivation comes from within an individual. People are intrinsically motivated when they engage in an activity because they find it inherently enjoyable, interesting, or satisfying. The motivation comes from the pleasure of the activity itself, rather than external rewards or pressures. This sort of motivation needs no outer ornaments.

Following are the examples of intrinsic motivation:

Passion for Learning

A person who is intrinsically motivated to learn may find joy and satisfaction in acquiring new knowledge, exploring ideas, and expanding their understanding of a subject, without the need for external rewards. An intrinsically motivated student is always auto-motivated. He always keeps his routines for learning balanced well timed. So, his/her motivation leads towards success.

Creative Expression

An artist, musician, or writer whose sole goal is creation for the love of the craft rather than for financial gain may be intrinsically motivated. The process of self-expression and the joy derived from the creative act are the primary rewards.

Personal Growth and Development

Personal growth & development are one of the biggest factors for someone who is motivated intrinsically to grow and develop as an individual may engage in activities such as self-reflection, goal-setting, and continuous learning for the satisfaction of personal advancement.

Autonomous Work

Freedom is the key element of the intrinsic motivated class. Individuals who value autonomy and independence in their work may be intrinsically motivated. The freedom to make decisions and the sense of ownership over one's work can be inherently rewarding.

Helping Others

The People who find fulfillment in helping others, whether through volunteering, mentoring, or acts of kindness, they often exhibit intrinsic motivation. The intrinsic reward is the positive impact on others and the sense of contributing to a greater good.

Curiosity and Exploration

Human nature is inquisitive. Intrinsic motivation can drive individuals to explore new environments, ideas, or experiences simply for the joy of discovery. This can include travel, trying new foods, or delving into different cultures.

Physical Activity for Enjoyment

Physical fitness is another key intrinsic motivator. Engaging in physical activities like running, hiking, or playing a sport for the sheer enjoyment of the activity itself demonstrates intrinsic motivation. The pleasure derived from movement and the associated health benefits are the primary rewards.

Mastery and Skill Development

Being top in the personal & professional echelon is one of the human intrinsic quality.Someone who is intrinsically motivated to master a skill or become proficient in a certain area may find satisfaction in the process of improvement and the feeling of competence.

Love of Reading

Not only reading, but every hobby needs intrinsic stir. Reading for the love of literature, gaining knowledge, or immersing oneself in a captivating story can be an example of intrinsic motivation. The joy of reading itself is the primary reward.

Pursuit of Personal Interests

We, most of the time in life, even in personal, professional & social scenario, do majority of actions in pursuit of self interest. Whether its gardening, cooking, or any hobby pursued out of personal interest, engaging in activities for the joy and satisfaction they bring without external pressures exemplifies intrinsic motivation.

Challenges and Achievement

Challenging self is taking one’s self into stock keeps oneself motivated and goal oriented. Taking on challenging tasks or setting personal goals and achieving them can be intrinsically motivating. The sense of accomplishment and personal growth are the primary rewards.

Extrinsic Motivation Along with intrinsic motivation, we need extrinsic motivation as well. Everybody wants to be appreciated in terms of finance of applause. Extrinsic motivation comes from external factors such as rewards, punishments, or social approval. People are extrinsically motivated when they engage in an activity to earn a reward or avoid a negative consequence.

Following examples from real life can help us understand the idea of extrinsic motivation & its importance.

Salary and Bonuses “When money speaks, wisdom remains silent.” Yasin Shakir

Finance is one of the biggest realities of life. Many people work to earn a salary or receive bonuses. The external reward of money serves as motivation for performing job-related tasks.

Grades and Academic Recognition

Being top in the class, school, college, board, university or across the globe in academics is graded highly impactful extrinsic motivation factor. Students may be motivated extrinsically by the desire to achieve good grades, academic honors, or recognition from teachers and parents.

Job Promotion

Growth is a born motivation. The prospect of a promotion at work can serve as extrinsic motivation. Individuals may work harder and strive for excellence with the hope of advancing in their careers.

Competition and Prizes “We are always in war against our fellow human beings.” Thomas Hobbes

Competitive nature allows humans to survive up-to today & years to come. Participating in competitions where winners receive prizes or awards can be a powerful extrinsic motivator. This can apply to sports, academic contests, or other competitive events.

Employee of the Month Recognition

This is a corporate set up work strategy to motivate workers for their personal, professional & overall organizational growth. Some workplaces have recognition programs such as "Employee of the Month," where individuals receive acknowledgment and sometimes tangible rewards for outstanding performance.

Praise and Approval “Words have energy & vibrations that can have magical effects.” Yasin Shakir

One word of praise can do more than thousands of dollars if spoken at proper time, tone, text & context. External praise and approval from authority figures, peers, or the community can motivate individuals to seek validation and recognition for their efforts.

Tangible Rewards “No one can resist the captivation of gift & compliment.” Yasin Shakir

Tangible rewards, such as gifts, certificates, or special privileges, can serve as extrinsic motivators for completing tasks or achieving specific goals.

Avoiding Punishment

Reformative theory can be applied in this extrinsic motivation .Fear of punishment or negative consequences can be a strong extrinsic motivator. People may comply with rules or expectations to avoid penalties or undesirable outcomes.

Job or life Security

Security is another extrinsic factor that gets the kettle on the stove. The fear of job loss or the desire for job security can be an extrinsic motivator. Individuals may work diligently to maintain their employment status.

Incentive Programs

Companies often implement incentive programs, offering rewards like gift cards, travel opportunities, or other perks to motivate employees to meet performance targets.

Recognition & Certification Ceremonies

Public recognition through ceremonies, awards, or public announcements can motivate individuals by providing a sense of accomplishment and acknowledgment.

Social Approval

Seeking approval and acceptance from one's social circle can be an extrinsic motivator. People may conform to social expectations to gain approval or avoid social disapproval.

Monetary Rewards for Weight Loss or Fitness Goals

Some wellness programs offer monetary incentives for achieving weight loss or fitness goals, providing external motivation for healthier behaviors.

Commission-Based Sales Incentives

In sales, commission-based incentives provide a direct financial reward for meeting or exceeding sales targets, serving as a powerful extrinsic motivator.

Bribes or Rewards for Children

Parents may use rewards like toys, treats, or privileges as extrinsic motivators to encourage children to complete chores, do well in school, or exhibit positive behavior.

Extrinsic motivation can be effective in prompting behavior, but it may not always lead to sustained interest or enjoyment in an activity. Balancing extrinsic and intrinsic motivation is often considered a key to long-term engagement and satisfaction.

Intrinsic of extrinsic, motivation is the bread & butter of life. The heart & soul connect together to find highest & achievement when there is motivation. Without motivation, life remains as birds without wings and bodies without soul. Success in life depends on the magnitude of the motivation we have. Stay motivated , stay successful.